
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Person 2015

The year that was,
Depended not on
what happened to me
Solely Dependent it was
On Who I was

I wish you and all
In the new year
And days to come
A Happy New You

Happy New Year 2015 :-) ♡

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

First Christmas midnight Mass

Merry Christmas everybody! 

I've finally attended my very first Christmas midnight mass at Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH) Church at Ipoh Garden last night.

It was basically just my own decision to experience the coming of Christmas with Christians. No one invited me. I just decided to go and invited myself after consulting some Christian friends on which Church I should attend.  

The decision was simple, I wanted to attend a Roman Catholic Church. Why, one may ask. 

Because of Pope Francis. His papacy has been a breath of fresh air in Christendom. Here are some of my favourite quotes by 

Pope Francis:

The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! 'Father, the atheists?' Even the atheists. Everyone!

Proselytism is solemn nonsense; it makes no sense. We need to get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the world around us.

If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge? We shouldn't marginalise people for this. They must be integrated into society. 

I have a dogmatic certainty: God is in every person's life. God is in everyone's life. Even if the life of a person has been a disaster, even if it is destroyed by vices, drugs or anything else - God is in this person's life. You can - you must - try to seek God in every human life

A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: 'Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?' We must always consider the person. 

Although the life of a person is in a land full of thorns and weeds, there is always a space in which the good seed can grow. You have to trust God.

From my point of view, God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us.

The people of God want pastors, not clergy acting like bureaucrats or government officials.

Money has to serve, not to rule.

Politics is a noble activity. We should revalue it, practise it with vocation and a dedication that requires testimony, martyrdom, that is to die for the common good.

There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. This would nevertheless require a courageous change of attitude on the part of political leaders.

The proclamation of the saving love of God comes before moral and religious imperatives. Today sometimes it seems that the opposite order is prevailing. 

The Son of God became incarnate in the souls of men to instill the feeling of brotherhood. All are brothers and all children of God.

To say that you can kill in the name of God is blasphemy.

I believe in God - not in a Catholic God; there is no Catholic God. There is God, and I believe in Jesus Christ, his incarnation. Jesus is my teacher and my pastor, but God, the Father, Abba, is the light and the Creator. This is my Being.

I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity.

Clearly, he is winning the hearts of many non-believers and those who used to feel they were marginalized by the Church. I wouldn't be surprised to hear there is a resuscitation of attendance at Catholic Churches because of him. Pope Francis tends to take the inclusive position rather than the excluding position of condemnation in his bid to reach out to people, both believers and non-believers alike. His leadership is inspirational and heart-warming. I hope it's infectious too.

Recently, I heard a story of a "famous" sermon by a priest at the (Catholic) Church of St. Michael in Ipoh. It was regarding the use of joss-sticks by other faiths. He brought a huge joss-stick, supposedly one of those at least 1metre tall ones which are decorated with dragons along it's length, to a sermon. Having caught the attention of the congregation, he proceeded to explain that joss-sticks are merely incense on sticks. After all, Catholics use incense (in a pot) as part of their rituals too. From what I heard, his sermon cleared up a lot of misunderstandings that has lead to aversions amongst some Christians from having anything to do with joss-sticks. 

I had wanted to attend the Christmas Mass at Church of St. Michael to meet and listen to a sermon by this priest myself. Alas, I heard this innovative and inspiring priest was transferred to Bukit Mertajam to help rebuild a church there.

Nevertheless, I heard an important message last night at OMPH. It's about having "faith in the power of Love" to bring about a better world and life for everyone.

Yes, Love. Not "faith in the power Jesus or God" but "faith in the power of Love". Perhaps this message came from Pope Francis himself, it certainly has his signature. 

If everyone were to uphold Love in our everyday lives and actions, we will change this world. Regardless of faith, culture and beliefs. Without bringing in any religious element, we can save the world and bring about a better place and future for the children of the world. All it takes is Love <3

After all, for those who believe, Love is the language of God.

For those who don't, Love is more than enough. 

Merry Christmas everyone. May the essence & spirit of Jesus Christ, which is Love, bless you & your loved ones.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Radicals vs Moderates

About a month ago, my pastor uncle shared a thought and emotion provoking video on the subject of Radicals vs Moderates. I've been meaning to share my thoughts on this subject since then. And just this week, The Star newspaper launched their Voices of Moderation campaign under the hashtag #moderateMY to encourage open, rational and moderate voices. Here in multiracial, multifaith and multicultural Malaysia, we too face the menace of radicals. Finally a call to reason and moderation by no less, the top English daily in Malaysia.

To those who can afford 5min of your time, please take a look at the video below.

For those who don't, here's the summary:
At a conference held regarding the 11 Sept 2012 terrorist attack on the Benghazi, Libya USA Consulate (where 4 Americans died), Saba Ahmed, a softspoken female muslim American law student raised a very good and pertinent question on the "war" against Islamic radicals:

"How can we fight an ideological war with weapons?"

"How can we ever end this war? The jihadist ideology is an ideology. How can we end this thing if we don't address it ideologically?"

Brigitte Gabriel, the Founder, President and CEO of ACT! for America then proceeded to answer her. Well, it seemed to me that she didn't really answer the question but rather steamrolled Saba with facts. Interesting and pertinent facts and points:

1) "there are an estimated 1.2 billion Muslims in the world"
2) "of which 15-25% are radicals according to all intelligent services around the world"
3) "means there are 180 to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilisation"
4) "radicals that kill and massacre" "that number as big as United States of America" (population 315mil)
5) WWII Germany: "most Germans were peaceful yet the Nazis drove the agenda. And as a result 60 million people died, almost 14 million in concentration camps, 6 million were Jews."
6) Stalin-era Russia: "the Russians were able to kill 20 million people"
7) Mao Zedong-era China: "the Chinese were able to kill 70 million people"
8) WWII Japan: "Japan was able to butcher its way through Southeast Asia killing 12 million people"
9) 9/11 2001: "we had 2.3million Arab Muslims living in the United States. It took 19 hijackers ... 19 radicals to bring America down to its knees, destroy the World Trade Center, attack the Pentagon, and kill almost 3000 Americans that day

Her most important point:

10) "The peaceful majority were irrelevant"

The rest of the video was really unnecessary emotional and crowd-rousing rhetoric to stir pro-American and perhaps even stoke Islamophobic sentiments.

My first question is, how many of those who watched realised that Brigitte herself was a radical (speaking out against radicals)?

Brigitte herself is the radical leader archetype:
1) loud
2) emotion stirring
3) charismatic
4) insistent
5) persistent

She is no different than the radicals she seek to eradicate. She is herself giving rise to another breed of radicals of her own ideology.

My second question is, how many of those who watched are saddened or angered by these words 
"the peaceful majority were irrelevant"?

Are you part of the peaceful majority? The moderates:
1) who believes in higher ideals of Love and Acceptance, Peace and Harmony 
2) whose voice is soft
3) whose attitude is indifferent or apathetic
4) who thinks "I can't make a difference" and "it's up to somebody else"
5) who tries to moderate but gives up against the louder, insistent and persistent radicals

Are you amongst those above?

Have you read the news recently? Be it local, more so, global news?
Do you see how the radicals are causing conflicts everywhere? Conflicts where innocents and peace-loving moderates like us suffer ...

There are more of us peaceful, loving and harmonious moderates than there are those radicals. Yet we allow them to dictate and lead, to drive the agenda, and rule us. And what comes of this? Fractious and divided societies. "Divide and conquer", that's what the radicals do. "Divide then lead", this is what bad leaders do. This is not something new. It has happened since society came into being. It's as old as the stories in the Old Testament.

These radicals, especially the leaders are charismatic. They stir emotions and play the crowd to the common gathered theme and grouches .. then they rouse anger and direct it against the enemies of their ideologies. And so the peaceful masses fall into their trap, if even for a moment. Yet in that moment of high emotions, new radicals will be born from moderates. From the passion and emotions and a cause greater than self. And like all old radicals, the new radicals too are emotional and passionate about their cause; thus the radicals grow in numbers.

And yet, still the peaceful, loving and harmonious moderates form the vast majority.

It is time to awaken and arise. To recognise the characteristics and tactics of these radicals. Even if they are our leaders. More so, if they are leaders. Recognise them. Fall not into their emotional trap. Once they hear the voice of the majority, no leader will be foolhardy to lead differently.

My last question is the question Saba Ahmed asked:

"How can we fight an ideological war with weapons?"

Certainly not. Ideology with ideology. It's time for us to be heard. Time for us to speak up and share about our ideology. Our ideology of Love and Acceptance. Share with our neighbours, friends and family, enemies even. Speak out, write against the radicals. Simple actions like mentioning our own moderate perspective on the latest radical news over conversations will go a long way to spread moderation and positivity. Especially when we are in positions of influence like the teaching profession or as a leader. It should not be about indoctrination but rather to inspire critical thinking on issues which are radicalised. Let our ideology spread and be the pillars of society. Let our children, grandchildren and generations to come enjoy peace and harmony forevermore.

Let us do it before it's too late. 
Before more conflicts and casulties happen. 
Before our world burns to the ground ...

Please share if you think this is worth it. It's time for the moderate message to be spread.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Aidilfitri (Eid al-Fitr) : Maaf Zahir dan Batin

The celebrations of Hari Raya Puasa Aidilfitri (Eid al-Fitr) just ended. And while I'm not a Muslim, it's difficult as a Malaysian not to feel and be immersed in the spirit of the celebration of Aidilfitri and that of the month of Ramadan.

To me, the most moving ... touching, inspiring and humbling experience of Aidilfitri and the month of Ramadan is the very act of seeking forgiveness through the words "maaf zahir dan batin".

As I understand, it is a cultural practice for Muslims to seek forgiveness from God, one another and even non-Muslims on the day of Aidilfitri. And the phrase "maaf zahir dan batin" (for those who do not know Bahasa Malaysia) means "forgive physically and spiritually" or "forgive from within and without(outside)" is uttered in greeting to all. It is usually uttered in the context of seeking forgiveness.

Starting with the family on the day of Aidilfitri, Muslims seek forgiveness from people at home before visiting friends and family, seeking forgiveness from those whom they meet. The seeker of forgiveness by uttering the words "maaf zahir dan batin" is lowering his/her own ego, swallowing pride and resentment, setting aside past hurt and anger EVEN if he/she felt that the other is in the wrong; to seek forgiveness from and apologise to the other party. Needless to say, this can be a very difficult exercise on any given day. More so when one has to be sincere and seek forgiveness from and apologise to everyone on one day. This is a practice that is said to have mend ties where it had previously seemed that all was lost. I can only imagine how this practice keeps ties cordial amongst Muslims. Surely one would oblige when a person comes sincerely seeking for forgiveness.

This practice is powerful because it helps:
i) one to first forgive the other
ii) lower one's hate and resentment
iii) lower one's ego and pride
iv) raises one's humility
v) improves relationships

There is so much hatred and unforgiveness in the world at this moment. It is retribution-seeking and unforgiveness that's perpetuating conflicts and hatred around the world, sometimes for generations. And it's not just on global and national scale. Such usually begins from the individual and at home. When we have problems forgiving those closest to us at home, such attitude can easily extend beyond home to all whom we meet.

Personally, I strive to practise forgiveness everyday. A few times a day in fact. I do it when giving thanks for the meals I have. At the end of my thanksgiving, "I forgive all who have hurt me, whether knowingly or unknowingly". And I make a sincere effort to forgive those who have caused me hurt on that day or before, whoever it is that my heart is still not at peace with. I find that it's a very good practice and habit that helps me see people without the prejudice of past negative experiences. After all, I found that my negative reactions to certain people is usually not based on the actual incident itself. Rather, it is the bad history and unforgiveness I have with that person that causes me to react more negatively than the situation warrants. If I let go and forgive everyday, my relationship with the other person is wiped clean of dirty smudges and ready to build on positive experiences daily. I can't say how much this practice have changed me and my relationships with people.

How I wish everyone can practise seeking and granting of forgiveness sincerely. The world will be a much better place than it is today. No more wars and conflicts certainly. No more family disharmony. Surely forgiveness will translate into peace and harmony amongst all.

The practice of "Maaf Zahir dan Batin" certainly helps. When all is forgiven, we can strive to build new and meaningful positive relationships for the future. Be it with individuals, groups of people or even nations. Because the journey of reconciliation begins with the first step of forgiveness.

To anyone I know who may be reading this posting of mine, I sincerely seek "maaf zahir dan batin" from you.
Please forgive me for any hurt and pain that I may have caused whether knowingly or unknowingly. I too forgive you for any such trespasses. Let bygones be bygones. May we build our relationship on positive values like Love, Truth and Compassion.

May Love, Truth and Compassion spread to every corner of this world and universe.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

every instant of displeasure is opportunity to transcend

The person who brings out the worst in you

The Uncle and the lady driver of CDM25

As I caught up on the now infamous case of the uncle and the lady driver (Siti Fairrah @ Kiki) of the car CDM 25, I pondered:
i) what kind of suffering did Kiki go through that caused her to unleash her fury in that manner ?
ii) how admirable the uncle Mr Sim Siak Heong was throughout the incident and after
iii) whether netizens who commented and discussed this case are truly aware of themselves

That it was an incident of unwarranted bullying or rage is obvious.

But what struck me really hard was:- what could possibly have happened and built up, to cause Kiki to lose her cool like that? On the surface, it's just one incident. Her explosion gave an indication of probably much dissatisfaction in (other areas of) life and much suppression and repression in her. While I shall not speculate on those possible causes, the accident was very likely the last straw that broke the camel's back. It was clear that she's a decent person as it was reported and clarified by Mr Sim that Kiki "however, at the police station, began to cry and asked for my forgiveness" not long after the incident.

Most admirably, Kiki has admitted personal responsibility for her actions and has since apologised on her Facebook page and even on air on different radio stations.

My heart goes out to Kiki for whatever suffering her past brought her up till that incident. And also all the suffering that came as a result of her expressed rage. I pray that she'll be able to forgive herself, others and find her peace beginning with this Ramadan.

Mr Sim's cool and collected reaction is very admirable. More so, when he is willing to let things go and not press any charges against Kiki, even though the Inspector-General of the police has ordered an investigation into the incident. "I pity the woman if she goes to jail for the incident, as I do not gain anything from this," he said. "As a Catholic, my religion teaches me to forgive others who do harm to us," Sim said.

I felt most moved by both Mr Sim's statements. Here is one man with good sense. A truly good man. He did not raise a call for retributive justice that much of our society has been conditioned to (especially by entertainment media).

And from this incident we see religion and faith continue to do its part in fostering a harmonious society. We see it today and hopefully more shall see the true spirit of religion and faith. And that is Love.
"I pity the woman if she goes to jail for the incident, as I do not gain anything from this," he said, preferring to forgive and forget. - See more at:
However, at the police station, the woman began to cry and asked for my forgiveness - See more at:
However, at the police station, the woman began to cry and asked for my forgiveness - See more at:
"However, at the police station, the woman began to cry and asked for my forgiveness," - See more at:
"However, at the police station, the woman began to cry and asked for my forgiveness," - See more at:
"However, at the police station, the woman began to cry and asked for my forgiveness," - See more at:
"However, at the police station, the woman began to cry and asked for my forgiveness," - See more at:

Kiki has suffered much criticism, condemnation and vilification from netizens and non-netizens alike. Even threats and being made the butt of jokes on internet memes.

One very remarkable affirmative and positive reaction (cum marketing & publicity stunt) so far is that of DiGi Telecommunications encouraging everyone to see the good.

I hope and pray that everyone shall remember the simple rule that none of us wish for suffering to befall us or our loved ones. And that if that applies to us, it applies to everyone. Including those whom we have no wish to associate with.

And if I may quote the Bible:

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 7:12
"Do to others as you would have them do to you." - Luke 6:31

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Creation vs and Evolution

Creation vs and Evolution

(for those who wish to cut to the chase, just scroll down and read the parts that are in larger font)

I had brief but most interesting encounter during lunch today. As I looked around for a table to have a quick lunch of economy rice (that’s rice with side dishes), I found an empty table and proceeded to sit there. There was an old Indian man, dressed very simply, having his lunch at one of the tables next to mine. Even though I’ve sat down at my initially-chosen table, I got up and shifted to his table. Mainly because I found my table to be rather hot and though there were empty tables nearby, I somehow chose to share this man’s table instead. He noticed my saying grace and conversation was struck.

Man:     Are you a Christian?
Me:      Not exactly. I’m Buddhist, I’m Christian and I believe in the Hindu gods too. I believe in God and  His Divine Kingdom.
Man:     Good. Good. Always I say that it’s not the religion that’s important. It’s the person that matters. So what if you are a Christian if you do bad things? So what if you are a Muslim if you are unkind? So what if you are a Buddhist if you do evil? So what if you are a vegetarian if you kill?

Ah, not a simple man. Actually, I was in a hurry to finish my lunch because I was on a tight schedule to make a delivery and a subsequent appointment. But I thought the few minutes extra I spare with this man could make a difference. I thoroughly agreed with him and our conversation progressed. It turns out that he was a Christian. At which I noticed the cap he was wearing. Handwritten on his red cap were words in yellow:

God is Great

He explained that he is a preacher. He preaches about God and Christianity to those who would listen. Wherever he is and whenever someone asks or listens. For he had his own direct experience of God or rather Jesus Christ. He was disturbed by the devil. When he prayed to Jesus, he came and banished the devil from him. Since that experience, he has made it a point to share of Jesus and God.

Me:       How do you preach about God to an atheist?
Man:     How else can this world exist? In its beauty, design and splendor.
Me:       So you believe in Creation?
Man:     Yes. God created the universe in 6 days and He rested 1 day. That’s why we have 7 days in a week. Why else would we have 7 days in a week? Why not 10?
Me:      The scientists have all the evidence that the universe is created by the Big Bang. And that the universe is slightly less than 14 billion years old. What about evolution?
Man:    The scientists may not get everything right. I don’t believe in them on these.

Me:      I believe in God. I have my own experiences with Him and His Divine helpers. I too try to lead people back to God. Don’t you find that in today’s modern world, more and more people who are learned and scientifically inclined are deviating away from God and Christianity? … and that’s because of Creation vs Evolution and Big Bang? All the scientific evidence is there. It’s no coincidence that many scientists are atheists. Belief in Creation goes against the grain of their scientific training.
I paused.

Me:     What if there’s a way to explain Creation that most atheists and science-inclined people are able to accept?
He looked at me in earnest.

Me:     What if the universe was not created in 6 earth days?
His eyes widened slightly. I proceeded to explain to him.

1 day is defined as the time it takes a planet to make a full revolution on its axis. Traditionally, it’s measured as the period of time measured from one noon to the following noon. On earth, it’s 24 hours. Every planet rotates at a different speed and hence the length of day varies on different planets. 1 day on Jupiter is only 9h 56min while 1 day on Venus is equivalent to 116 earth days and 18hrs.

Me:     What if the Creator created the universe in 6 Creator Days? It doesn’t have to be earth days ie 24 hour-days. Does the Bible specify that it’s earth days?
He gave a slight shake of head.

Genesis 2:2  : And on the 7th day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the 7th day from all His work He had made

That sounds more like God day to me rather than earth day. What if the Creator took 6 of His days to create the universe and took 1 Creator-day off to rest? Why, the Creator is so powerful that He must be beyond time or He must be able to do so much with so little time (to Him). It takes Him just 6 Creator-days to create the universe. And after resting 1 Creator-day, my my … the universe is some (let’s just be arbitrary) 13 billion earth-years old. Still plenty of time for evolution to take place. (The universe is about 13.82 years old now)

The Bible is right. And so is Charles Darwin. And so are the physicists and scientists.

The conversation ended with silence. When I left him, there was a look of … Light on his face. I hope he will continue his good work preaching of God and that our conversation will help him and all those whom he comes into contact with. God bless him. May we meet again.

May all the faiths who believe in Creation as explained by Genesis benefit from this sharing.

When we interpret the Bible contextually as opposed to literally (in this case, in the context of the Creator instead of man), we can gain so much insight from it. In fact, it’s most natural that the reader interprets whatever he or she reads in the context of the contents as it flows.

I must give credit where this interpretation is due though. It is not an uncommon knowledge amongst Buddhists that the different realms of existence have different passage of time. Basically, the higher the realm of existence, the slower the passage of time (as measured to earth time). Since the Creator is higher than all others in the universe, surely time must pass slower in His realm than all other realms in the universe.

Thus I came to accept Genesis’ Creation as a Buddhist. It must’ve been around 2003-2004 during my first spiritual searching phase that I came to this realization. Or perhaps earlier during my late teens when I discussed spirituality and faiths with some of my friends back then. I’ve been sharing this ever since. Especially to the Christians I come across and when the subject comes up. I now share this over the internet.

There need not be endless debates on Creation vs Evolution/Big Bang. Evolution can take place after Creation. (Big Bang can simply be the Moment of First Creation)

No more Creation vs Evolution
It’s Creation AND Evolution.

PS: I did my best to recall and present the conversation as it happened. While the account of the conversation may not be 100% accurate, it captures the essence and spirit of our conversation. God bless the man.God bless everyone.